Welcome New Teachers to the Falcon Family!


Welcome new teachers to the Falcon Family!

Manchester Regional High School virtually welcomes three new teachers to our falcon family for the school year 2020-2021 with this interview article.

This year Manchester welcomes three new teachers to the roster. Because school is now virtual, it can be hard to give these teachers the welcome they deserve. I asked each teacher a series of interview questions in hopes of getting to know them as best we can through the screen. I can’t begin to imagine how hard it must be to start a new job with the circumstances we are in together. In the meantime, I hope you’ll be able to get to know these adorable new teachers just a little bit more with these questions.  

Mr. Hanna, a teacher in the English department is very charismatic even through email. My favorite response from him was when he goes into detail about his childhood and accomplishments that he gained through his perseverance.  

  1. What is your go to sandwich? and do you consider a hotdog a sandwich?

My go to sandwich is a chicken parm sandwich.  I never really gave it much thought, but no, I do not consider a hotdog a sandwich.

2. What is your most vivid childhood memory? Why do you think you remember it so clearly?

My most vivid childhood memory is when my junior year English teacher, Mr. Ianni, shook my hand at the end of year and told me that he was proud of me for earning an A for the year and exempted me from the final exam. This moment stands out because I had failed Mr. Ianni’s class the year before and I was taking it again as a senior along with my senior college prep English class. Junior year was the first time I took an honors class and I was not ready for all the work that was required.  I failed the class my first time, but I came back strong the next year and proved to myself and Mr. Ianni that I was smart enough to do honor level work. This was also the first time an adult shook my hand and told me that they were proud of me.

3. What do you think is the biggest part of what made you who you are today?

The biggest part of what made me who I am today is my resilience and refusal to give up.  I fell so many times in my life, but I kept getting back up.  I kept pushing forward and I refused to give up on myself.

4. If you could choose a color and an animal that best describes you and your personality, what would they be and why?

While I would like to think of myself as a big teddy bear, I have been compared to a silverback gorilla more than once in my life.

5. If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you work as?Even if money was not a concern and I was super rich, I would still want to work as a teacher.  I had a lot of great teachers that made an impact on my life and I try to honor their memories everyday by trying to do the same for someone else.

Ms. Todero is a new Science teacher and she is a sweetheart. Her answers really gave me an insight on who she is and what her personality is like. 

  1. What is your go to sandwich? and do you consider a hotdog a sandwich?

My go to sandwich is any type of Italian sub. I do not consider a hotdog a sandwich. 

  1. What is your most vivid childhood memory? Why do you think you remember it so clearly?

My most vivid childhood memory is probably the day we brought home our first cat. He actually just turned 20 this year! I remember it so clearly since he was the first cat of 3 that was welcomed into the family.

  1. What do you think is the biggest part of what made you who you are today? 

Sports. I have always been involved in sports and being on a team. I played field hockey for 14 years and was the team captain in my senior year of high school and college. 

  1. If you could choose a color and an animal that best describes you and your personality, what would they be and why?

Green, teal, or purple for color. Green and teal are both colors that are often found in nature and I love being outside surrounded by nature. Purple, on the other hand, can be a calming color and excitable color and my personality tends to shift between those. 

  1. If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you work as?

I would still be a teacher. I love teaching and it has been my dream job for years. If I could not teach maybe I would try to be a chef since I love to watch cooking shows.

Ms. Roberts is a financial literacy teacher. I’m actually supposed to be in her class starting the 2nd marking period. After conducting my online interview I can say I am thoroughly excited to learn from her. Over email she seems like a very enjoyable teacher, I can’t wait to learn from her. 

  1. What is your go to sandwich? and do you consider a hotdog a sandwich?

Not a big sandwich person, but if I had to choose, any type of Turkey sandwich. And I have never really thought about whether a hotdog is a sandwich, but  I have never thought of a hotdog as a sandwich. So no.

  1. What is your most vivid childhood memory? Why do you think you remember it so clearly?

My most vivid childhood memory would be the many adventures I had camping and hiking with my dad. I remember these so clearly, because I enjoyed them so much and we always had such a fun time.

  1. What do you think is the biggest part of what made you who you are today? 

The biggest part of what made me who I am today would be when I went through a depression my Junior year of High school. Although it was one of the toughest times, I also learned the most from that season. It taught me to have a different perspective on life and I learned how to be content and enjoy every moment. It taught me to have compassion for others and most importantly my faith in God grew and I learned to be dependent on Him. 

  1. If you could choose a color and an animal that best describes you and your personality, what would they be and why?

Maroon- it is my favorite color and it reminds me of fall and Christmas, my two favorite seasons. 🙂 These seasons bring so much joy and the best memories. 

The animal that describes me best would be a Golden retriever, because I am loyal and fun loving as well. 🙂

  1. If you had to work but didn’t need the money, what would you work as?

A photographer and artist


It was a great experience doing this virtual interview and I can’t wait to welcome you in person. I just hope that by the end of the school year we’ll be able to get a better understanding of each other and give you guys a proper welcome to show our appreciation as a school.