Is Chuck E. Cheese Recycling Discarded Pizza?


Around 3 years ago, the world stopped..well not really of course. Around three years ago, a YouTuber named Shane Dawson uploaded a video onto the platform. Shane usually posts conspiracy theories about various topics but this one was about a place where every kid can be a kid. He starts the video talking about how when he went to Chuck E. Cheese, he would always get the pizza like any other normal kid. He goes on to say that whenever the pizza would be set on the table by the waiter/waitress, he would always notice that the pizza would be misshapen and not always be a perfect circle. Some pieces would be sticking out too far and some slices would be way too small for the pie. So his conspiracy theory that sent the world into an outrage so much that it was on the news and discussed by the New York Times of the Chuck E. Cheese is Recycling Discarded Pizza?

As soon as this video went viral people went insane. People went to Chuck E. Cheese to order a person to determine if it was true or false. People would order so much pizza that they “would run out of recycled pizza to give people”. Still with Shane’s viral video still gaining in views, they would still give out misshapen pizzas. As people do when they’re upset they head to twitter and voice their opinion. Then another person that used to work at Chuck E. Cheese said “You’ll just find a really big piece of pizza and you’ll only cut that one in half,” also stating, “Because of that, it’ll start to make a line that doesn’t end up anywhere and stuff like that. It’ll make all of these lines look all funky.” The Washington Post found out that “a YouTuber named Payden offered a perfectly logical explanation: The chain wants its pizzas to have the same number of slices each time, which can present a challenge for rushed kitchen workers. Sometimes, after pulling a pizza out of the oven, he would start cutting it up only to realize that he had 10 slices instead of the 12 that he needed.” Once Chuck E. Cheese got their justice it’s rumored to be that they sued Shane Dawson for spreading misinformation and wanted a cease and desist hence on why the video of him criticizing the company is gone. 

In conclusion, these misshapen pies are not due to Chuck E. Cheese recycling pizza. It’s there due to various other variables like needing to have a certain amount of slices. Overall, I think that this is a good reason to do more research on something that you’re passionate about. Of course, at first glance when you look at the situation at hand it looks absurd but once you look into the issue it has a perfect explosion.