Yes Man: A Netflix Movie Review

Yes Man is a movie made in 2008. It’s on the streaming service Netflix, starring Jim Carrey(Carl) and Zooey Deschanel (Allison). Carl is a man who says no. To everything! He never wants to go out, he never puts himself out there. This resulted in a divorce, and almost lost his best friend because of his way of life. One thing leads to another and he finds himself turning his life around after going to a seminar. He becomes a Yes Man. Meaning he now says yes to every single thing.

Overall, this movie was funny and a rollercoaster, one of my favorite Jim Carrey films. It teaches you that if you don’t go out of your comfort zone to do things differently sometimes, you aren’t living your life to the fullest. Sometimes you should say yes to things. I personally was like this, I never wanted to go out. But then I found out I was missing out on experiences with my friends. So I started saying yes (before Covid). It really does show you new things. Saying yes is way better than saying no. In the end he finds a really great girl that he would have never found if he was stuck at home. This movie is like a sign telling you “GO DO SOMETHING!” (after covid). This movie teaches everyone who watches it a valuable lesson.