Clubs Not Drugs

Andrika Culliton

You have probably seen the signs and papers advertising the many clubs at MRHS hung up on the walls around the school or maybe you heard some of your teachers talking about the clubs that they advise? Either way, you should know that the MRHS clubs are awesome! Most of the faculty members who run the various clubs love them because, they too, participated in the same club when they were in high school. This is why they believe that the students will enjoy the club now. Still not convinced clubs are for you? Remember, clubs look great on your college and job applications and they are a better way to get to know the whole MRHS community.

One club that you should consider joining is the Drum Line run by Mr. English. Drumline is a lot of fun because of the energy that the drummers give to each other and the school. They even have parties after some performances to celebrate how hard they worked. If you are like me, a person who doesn’t really show up to the football games for the actual game, or you just love entertainment, you might just be perfect for this club. Drum line also has concerts with other schools and sometimes you get free food at practices right before a football game or after having field trips. Time management issue? They meet in the music room just twice a week.

Another fun club that you could join is the Art Club with Ms. Behnan. The Art Club meets every other Wednesday in A-4 which is the art room. The Art Club goes on trips and helps decorate the school. Last year they handed out colorful paper with infinity symbols on them to each class. Then they asked students to write nice things about themselves, what they’re thankful for, or their goals in life. They then took all of the papers and created a rainbow that was hung in the gym lobby. The Art Club also provides snacks! Meetings are 3pm on every other Wednesday and end around 4pm.

MRHS also now has a Boy’s Volleyball Club run by Ms.Nobile that will start in the Spring. All male identifying students can actually either learn how to play or just play for fun with friends. The Girl’s Volleyball team will also help the guys out with form when playing or give them an opponent to play against. It’s a lot of fun and hopefully, in the future, MRHS might create an official Boy’s Volleyball Team. If you are interested in joining the club, email Ms. Nobile around the end of Winter or just ask her about the club.

Have you ever wanted to join the French Club? Well, all you have to do is ask Madame Tartaglia in room 203. On Wednesday, November 2, 2022 the club took off on their annual field trip to Quebec, Canada! While there they will be able to test out their French language skills in the French speaking region of Canada.The French Club also helps out the MRHS surrounding community as they improve their French at meetings.

Have you wanted to learn more about what goes down in a courtroom? You can! Here at Manchester we have a Mock Trial Club that teaches you all about the law field and how everything goes down in the courtroom. The Mock Trial Club is hosted by Mr. Ishak, the Arabic Language teacher. They meet almost every week in room 106 (across the hall from Ms. Mamunes’ room upstairs.) You should really join to have an adulting experience or a great time.

Are you interested in playing video games that feature sports? Then maybe you should join the E-Sports Club with Mr. Palmiere. This club is a really fun thing to do because they play a lot of video games at meetings like Rocket League. I know that a lot of the people here at Manchester love playing Rocket League, so if you’re interested in joining just email Mr. Palmiere when you can.

I know a lot of people at this school don’t like the idea of being in school because it might be stressful or the people are aggravating, but the clubs here at Manchester will give you more opportunities to interact with students who are just like you. All of the clubs offer different activities, but they all try to impact the community in a positive way. These clubs also allow you to get to know the teachers here better. You should really join a new club each year of high school because they’re just plain AWESOME!

If you would like to have your MRHS club featured in this article, email [email protected].