On August 14, 2024, my mom sadly passed away. It broke me mentally and physically. I have never been the same but the bond I had with my mom will never be broken and it will always stay in my heart. The reason I chose my mom for my role model is 2 reasons the first 1 is that she will always be in my heart. The second reason is when I was in 3rd grade I remember both of us were at the park right next to the rec and these 2 kids were picking on me and my mom came and defended me from those kids and I will never forget that moment I had with her. Ever since that day she was always my hero and everything that I needed help with I asked her.
My mom, Maria Ruth Guerra, was born on March 20, 1972 in Colombia. My mom grew up with 3 sisters and 1 brother. She always used to tell me how she always struggled as a child and how she had to walk miles to get to school only because I asked for a ride to school. My mom was a really smart woman. She always found a way to get her way in almost every situation. I remember when she used to give me girl advice when I needed it. She always used to tell me to never trust a girl because they will break your heart. She was truly a smart person and she was nicer than she needed to be. She took in my cousin to live with us when she and her mom were having a lot of problems.
Everytime my mom had problems with something she always used to pray when I was in my room playing video games I used to hear her praying to God all the time. One of her most favorite prayers was mateo 6:9 “Padre nuestro que estás en el cielo,santificado sea tu nombre, venga tu reino,hágase tu voluntad en la tierra como en el cielo. danos hoy nuestro pan cotidiano.” She loved this prayer because my parents named me after the profit who made this prayer. For those who don’t know spanish here’s the prayer in english “‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us today our daily bread and forgive us for our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil, Amen”.
My mom was a really great person. She was everything to me, she was my role model. This is why people need role models who ever is reading this sit and think for a second and say to yourself who is your role model? What do they mean to you? Why do they have a special place in your heart? After you do all of that if your role model is someone that you know personally like a mom or dad or sibling or literally anyone in your family please go give them a hug and tell them how much they mean to you and how much you love them.