What Happened at Travis Scott’s Astroworld Concert? 

Javien Antigua

A major tragedy happened in Houston, Texas on November 5th, 2021. At least eight people died and some 25 were treated at hospitals on the evening of Nov.5 after a crowd surged the stage at an Astroworld Festival performance by Travis Scott. The Houston Police Department is investigating, but after the tragedy, a source said, “The rapper himself is currently facing a barrage of criticism for appearing to keep the show going despite pleas of help from the crowd.”  Investigators said a crowd surged toward the stage, but the cause of this behavior remains unknown.

Although he paused a few times, many critics are saying his response was not enough. Scott now faces being compared to other performers who have shut down performances to ensure fan safety. It is also being noted that Scott has shown a history of arrests for inciting violence at his shows. “Travis remains in active conversations with the city of Houston, law enforcement, and local first responders to respectfully and appropriately connect with the individuals and families of those involved,” the release read. “These are the first of many steps Travis plans on taking as a part of his personal vow to assist those affected throughout their grieving and recovery process.” 

My Opinion  

The tragedy that occurred the other day was somewhat Travis Scott’s fault. The reason it was Travis’s fault is because after the first person passed out he stopped the show for almost a minute, but right after that minute passed, more and more people started to pass out and people were getting pinned into the metal barricades. Another reason it was Travis’s fault is because when everyone at the concert realized what was going on they made a plan. That plan was to have everyone shout out “Stop the Show” but, while everyone was shouting, Travis didn’t even hear them and continued to proceed with the show.

In my opinion, Travis Scott is not the only person responsible for this tragedy. The people at the concert were also to blame because almost half of the people that went to the concert were people that were under the influence of drugs and alcohol.