The Importance and Impact of Michael JacksonĀ 


Leeshayna Feliciano

Ever wondered why the world broke down when they found out Michael Jackson was pronounced dead? He was so special to the world, not only because of his music, but because he was very caring and made so many people from the black community open up and spread their music around. He was able to spread peace and love around the world and kids loved him for his personality and for the way he was. Others adored him because of how sweet he was in general. To many, he was just perfect. That is until people started making rumors about him and judging him by the way he looked.Ā 

Michael Jackson became successful at age 5. His best hit, ā€œbeat itā€ came out in 1982. His music affected the world by the way he had his lyrics down. Some were about racism and how the world is, and some were about love. In 1997 he won 13 Grammys and 8 of them went to ā€œThrillerā€. In 2001, he got accepted into the Hall of Fame as a member of the Jackson 5. Though he was also known for making people of color open up and put their music out into the world.

Michael Jackson broke records that were challenged for radical boundaries. He was granted 86 billboard awards which is something so huge that not a lot of people can get it so easily. This means his music and appearance were adored and people showed their support for him. His love for children always ended up growing more and more every day. He wanted to be a father and managed to be one to 3 beautiful kids, Paris, Prince, and Bigi (Blanket) Jackson. To this day they get bothered and nagged by the paparazzi even though they know it will upset them because they lost their father so early in their lives.