Yale Honors Young African-American girl who was reported to the police.


Pamela Bonilla-Guerra

Racism and discrimination need to come to an end, awareness has to be brought and we have to honor African Americans as much as we do to other people. No one should feel a different way just because of their color. Bobbi Wilson had a quest to help remove a invasive species was interrupted when a neighbor called the police reporting “A little Black woman walking, spraying stuff on the sidewalks and trees on Elizabeth and Florence”. Fortunately in this story, Yale accomplishes to honor the young African American girl Bobbi Wilson by throwing her a ceremony to acknowledge her bravery and what she did to help us. Well, it’s great you choose to read this article because what happens next with Bobbi will hopefully bring us together to stop these racial actions. 

To honor this smart girl’s bravery and work is where Yale steps in and throws Bobbi a ceremony for her hard work, to show that they can do as much as everyone else can, even a little girl in the 4th grade! “We wanted to show her bravery and how inspiring she is, and we just want to make sure she continues to feel honored and loved by the Yale community”, quoted Ijeoma Opara from the Yale community. Bobbi Willson took full accountability for doing what her white neighbor quoted, but her true intentions were to comply with the state’s “Stomp It Out” campaign. Bobbi would spray the bugs, pluck them from the tree and drop them into a plastic bottle. The officers then arrive, and Bobbi proceeds to say, “Am I in trouble?”. The officers knew right then and there that she was not harming anyone, she was a true hero for our earth. 

Bobbi Willson loves science and nature, which is why she chose to do what did for our trees and plants. Bobbi for once gets recognized for her hard work and it paid off! The outpouring of support for Bobbi and her love of science has been constant since the police stopped hitting the internet. Bobbi has received an infinite amount of love and support after the outstanding Yale ceremony that was organized for Bobbi. Bobbi was able to show her hard work, and all the dangerous lanterns she has collected to participate and make a change for our science community. As quoted from the audience ‘She’s one of us and we’re not going to let her lose her steam for STEM. We’re going to support the family, we’re going to support this girl.” This truly shows change is coming for African Americans, and they are as equally as smart as we all are.  

To conclude, Yale found the perfect opportunity to increase Bobbi’s science skills as well as show off her bravery and the impact she has made. Yale is a perfect example of what we can all do as a community to uplift African Americans more often. This story should be uplifting to the audience, to now know that changes are being made for African Americans, they are finally getting noticed! But this should not be just a one-time thing, we should continue to do this for them so they can feel special just as others do, to make known that they are equally as important and can make huge contributions to the world as well.